Monday, January 14, 2008

Cool Stuff

Wow, this was fun. Obviously I signed up for the blog readability test and was quite puffed up when I was granted a Genius reading level. (I hope you noticed my cool badge or whatever it is called attached to this blog.) Deflation was only a heartbeat away when Sam let me on the inside scoop that genius level might be a red flag for booooring. Don't say I didn't warn you.

My next fun trial was easy enough; scrapulous is a natural. I love scrabble and all games that are part chance and part brains. I like this site because you can play without registering as long as you want to play solitaire with only yourself or against a robot. That robot is too darn smart and most likely cheated. Otherwise how did it get 240 points to my lowly 85 before the game was halfway through? In fact the robot chose words I never heard of and would likely challenge in a real game. Still this is fun and educational---a good way for young people to pass the time while learning.

Another word for Wordshoot could be Just Shoot Me Instead. For someone who has struggled with typing for 45 years and is not likely to get any better, this game is a nightmare. If I ever am forced agaonst my will to play (isn't this called Hell) the pharmaceutical industry will benefit as only a high dose (preferably lethal) of high blood pressure and antanxiety meds would get me through the torture.

Good bye from the Happy Camper

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