Thursday, December 27, 2007

RSS feeds

This is very interesting and not difficult to sign up for. In fact, any problem as I see it is that it is too easy and there are far too many choices. I feel like the proverbial kid in the candy store.
On the other hand, this could be easily addictive and could be an answer to a prayer. For example, I go to great effort to avoid housework. At the present time I do that by spending time with my kids, getting to know the two new babies in our lives, volunteering, dancing, movies, walks, camping, time with friends, riding my bike, reading, etc. (Did I mention work?) I am just beginning to realize how much energy and effort I could save by subscribing to a few hundred blogs and compusively reading every entry instead----wow, a real stress reducer!

In reality I will find a handful of pertinent sites that interest me and follow them. I will pay attention and see if it saves me any time and if I have more interesting "tidbits" to share with friends and family, and most important, if the feeds alert me to important information I would have missed otherwise.


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